Moraga Mosaic Stairs to Grandview Park
(scroll to bottom for photo gallery)
Moraga Street at 16thAve., Sunset District in San Francisco
Starting Point:
There are “Moraga Stairs” on Moraga Street from the east side of Grandview Park as well, but for the beautiful mosaic stairway, start on Moraga Street from the west side of Grandview Park where it crosses 16thAve./Lomita Ave. (they morph into each other).
Location: Moraga Street at the intersection of 16thAve./Lomita Ave., Sunset District, San Francisco (do a map search for “16thAvenue tiled steps,” “Moraga mosaic steps,” “Grandview Park,” or some combination of those for a map view)
Info links:
For all web links, if a link doesn’t jump directly, copy and paste into browser.
Grandview Park info link (SF Rec and Park, click trail map at bottom for overview of park view):
For a map view, do a map search for “16thAvenue tiled steps,” “Moraga mosaic steps,” “Grandview Park,” or some combination of those
SF Gate info link about Grandview Park and the Mosaic Stairway:
This is not a long distance walk, but it is a walk involving many stair steps. Once you reach the top of the tiled stairs from 16thAve., you are on 15thAve. and have to walk to the right a short distance to take the less decorative stairs to the top of Grandview Park. The park summit area itself is quite small, but you can make a longer walk out of this by taking a path down the other side, and making your way around the park via 14thAve. on the east side to connect back the starting point on the west side.
• This is a residential area that happens to have this beautiful stairway leading to a small hilltop park. There are no toilet facilities or other visitor supports.
• As these stairs have become more well known, more people come to visit. Weekends means more people.
• Read parking restriction signs if you are parking in the area. It is usually possible to park fairly close to the start of the stairway.
The trail:
The best view and photo opportunity for the mosaic steps is from the bottom of the stairs at Moraga and 16th. The outward view gets better as you ascend the stairs. Your view of the mosaic steps becomes more of a close-up, and the patterns that come into view make the stairs also enjoyable in smaller segments. You can also take rest breaks by stopping to read individually decorated tiles.
Once at the top of the stairs, you’ll be facing a curved concrete wall on 15thAve. Walk toward the right to find the next stairway leading up the hill to Grandview Park.
This is yet another reminder of the countless beautiful nature spots right within a city like San Francisco. The view from Grandview Park has its charms whether on a sunny day or an overcast one. You can enjoy the distant horizon view over the Pacific, look to find the Golden Gate Bridge and the Marin Headlands, or identify landmarks in various directions.
To make more of a walk out of this outing, take a different stairway and path back down the hill and back around to your starting point.
San Francisco has many charming stairway walks. This is a good one to include on your check list!
(Moraga Mosaic Stairs to Grandview Park Hike Notes were originally paired with the “In It Together” Insights post.)
Click Insights/Hike Update News for inspiring reflections. Browse hikes on the main Hikes page or on the Hike Search by Area page. Check out selected articles and interviews under Media. Click World Walks to see or share favorite family-friendly walks! Stay in touch with Lisa Louis and HikingAutism via Contact. See products with inspiring designs that support the efforts of HikingAutism under Support/Shop. The Links page lists a loose collection of helpful information links.
Check the Home page for the broader background story. If you’re not able to take one of these Northern California hikes, hopefully you can enjoy the photo galleries at the bottom of each hike page! Feel free to share and follow on Facebook at HikingAutism, follow on Twitter at @HikingAutism and Instagram at lisalouis777
(scroll to bottom for photo gallery)
Moraga Street at 16thAve., Sunset District in San Francisco
Starting Point:
There are “Moraga Stairs” on Moraga Street from the east side of Grandview Park as well, but for the beautiful mosaic stairway, start on Moraga Street from the west side of Grandview Park where it crosses 16thAve./Lomita Ave. (they morph into each other).
Location: Moraga Street at the intersection of 16thAve./Lomita Ave., Sunset District, San Francisco (do a map search for “16thAvenue tiled steps,” “Moraga mosaic steps,” “Grandview Park,” or some combination of those for a map view)
Info links:
For all web links, if a link doesn’t jump directly, copy and paste into browser.
Grandview Park info link (SF Rec and Park, click trail map at bottom for overview of park view):
For a map view, do a map search for “16thAvenue tiled steps,” “Moraga mosaic steps,” “Grandview Park,” or some combination of those
SF Gate info link about Grandview Park and the Mosaic Stairway:
This is not a long distance walk, but it is a walk involving many stair steps. Once you reach the top of the tiled stairs from 16thAve., you are on 15thAve. and have to walk to the right a short distance to take the less decorative stairs to the top of Grandview Park. The park summit area itself is quite small, but you can make a longer walk out of this by taking a path down the other side, and making your way around the park via 14thAve. on the east side to connect back the starting point on the west side.
• This is a residential area that happens to have this beautiful stairway leading to a small hilltop park. There are no toilet facilities or other visitor supports.
• As these stairs have become more well known, more people come to visit. Weekends means more people.
• Read parking restriction signs if you are parking in the area. It is usually possible to park fairly close to the start of the stairway.
The trail:
The best view and photo opportunity for the mosaic steps is from the bottom of the stairs at Moraga and 16th. The outward view gets better as you ascend the stairs. Your view of the mosaic steps becomes more of a close-up, and the patterns that come into view make the stairs also enjoyable in smaller segments. You can also take rest breaks by stopping to read individually decorated tiles.
Once at the top of the stairs, you’ll be facing a curved concrete wall on 15thAve. Walk toward the right to find the next stairway leading up the hill to Grandview Park.
This is yet another reminder of the countless beautiful nature spots right within a city like San Francisco. The view from Grandview Park has its charms whether on a sunny day or an overcast one. You can enjoy the distant horizon view over the Pacific, look to find the Golden Gate Bridge and the Marin Headlands, or identify landmarks in various directions.
To make more of a walk out of this outing, take a different stairway and path back down the hill and back around to your starting point.
San Francisco has many charming stairway walks. This is a good one to include on your check list!
(Moraga Mosaic Stairs to Grandview Park Hike Notes were originally paired with the “In It Together” Insights post.)
Click Insights/Hike Update News for inspiring reflections. Browse hikes on the main Hikes page or on the Hike Search by Area page. Check out selected articles and interviews under Media. Click World Walks to see or share favorite family-friendly walks! Stay in touch with Lisa Louis and HikingAutism via Contact. See products with inspiring designs that support the efforts of HikingAutism under Support/Shop. The Links page lists a loose collection of helpful information links.
Check the Home page for the broader background story. If you’re not able to take one of these Northern California hikes, hopefully you can enjoy the photo galleries at the bottom of each hike page! Feel free to share and follow on Facebook at HikingAutism, follow on Twitter at @HikingAutism and Instagram at lisalouis777